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How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal And Stay Fit

How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal And Stay Fit

How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal And Stay Fit

Are you breaking a sweat every morning doing workouts without noticing tangible results? Are you fed up with reducing your food portions but constantly ending up with the same numbers on the scale? You just might be doing something wrong in your weight loss journey.

Maintaining a healthy weight is key to reducing your risk of having numerous health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. To lose weight and stay fit, consistency is critical. Whereas the process is a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and implementing lifestyle changes.

To lose weight and stay fit, here are some tips for incorporating into your daily routine;

Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast

Protein works with appetite hormones to make you feel full after consumption. There is a decrease in the hunger hormone known as ghrelin and an increase in satiety hormones such as peptide Y.Y. and GLP-1. You can incorporate great protein sources into your breakfast diet, including oats, eggs, sardines, and nuts.

Exercise for at least 30 – 60 minutes daily

One of the best ways to lose weight and stay fit is by exercising regularly. You do not have to overwork yourself by running miles every morning. To add some physical activity to your daily life, moderate physical activities like brisk walking or combining jogging and walking over a distance can help you burn calories. Be sure to do these while staying hydrated and eating healthy. Mountain climbers, lunges, burpees, and squats are other exercises that can help you lose weight.

Always get a good night’s sleep

Research has shown that people that get less than five to six hours of sleep every night are at risk of obesity. This is because insufficient sleep can slow down metabolism, the speed at which your body converts calories into helpful energy. When this happens, your body may store unused body energy as fat. Poor quality sleep can also spike cortisol and insulin production, facilitating fat buildup. For quality sleep, get seven to eight hours of sleep regularly. If you are finding it hard to get quality sleep at night or are experiencing insomnia, speak with a doctor on Doctall.

Watch your stress levels

You might wonder, “how does stress relate to losing weight and staying fit?” Typically, stress can force the release of cortisol and adrenaline, reducing your appetite. However, when you go through constant stress, cortisol stays longer in the body, increases your appetite and causes you to eat more. To reduce your stress try out meditation and yoga. It would be best if you also created time to carry out fun activities that you enjoy.

Eat foods rich in fibre

Eating foods rich in fibre can do you a lot of good because these types of food increase your feeling of fullness after a meal. This reduces the chances of you eating more meals in a day. Fibre-rich foods include whole-grain oats, cereals, whole-wheat bread and pasta, fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds.

Conclusively, weight loss is not exclusive to working out daily. You might not lose weight if you do not eat healthily and incorporate healthy lifestyle attributes. Update your diet with fibre-rich foods, workout daily, get quality sleep regularly, and manage stress.

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