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10 Powerful Techniques To Lower Blood Pressure

10 Powerful Techniques To Lower Blood Pressure

10 Powerful Techniques To Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure depends on how much blood your heart is pumping and how well your blood flows through your arteries. When it is slightly lower than 120/80 mmHg is considered normal, but when higher than 130/80 mmHg is considered high.

The term elevated blood pressure ranges between standard and high levels.

Managing this health condition can be difficult to handle sometimes, especially when it has reached its highest peak- hypertension. This gives rise to the need to take precautionary measures when blood pressure is elevated aside from medications prescribed by your physician.

10 Powerful Techniques You Should Try Out To Reduce Blood Pressure 

Opt for weight loss

This is first on the list because weight gain or obesity is a precursor and retainer of high blood pressure and heart diseases. If you are overweight, the good news is, losing 5 to 10 pounds can reduce your blood pressure. You don’t have to lose much weight to benefit from weight loss. You can achieve weight loss through exercise, dieting, and self-disciple.

Exercise and increase activity

All round studies by experts have clearly shown that exercise can significantly lower blood pressure. To further clarify this, in a 2013 study, older adults who participated in aerobic exercise training had their it lowered by 3.9 per cent systolic and 4.5 per cent diastolic. This result is equated to the effect of its medication. Common aerobic exercises you can engage in are running, jogging, climbing stairs, walking, and swimming. 

Reduce sugar intake

Sugar tends to increase blood pressure more than salt, especially fructose, hence the need to reduce sugar intake. Also, reducing sugar intake will help you lose weight- an additional benefit. To reduce blood pressure, consume more low carbs and protein.

Reduce salt intake

Too much salt intake causes an increased blood flow in the bloodstream, leading to high blood pressure. To counter this, increase your intake of potassium. Foods rich in potassium are fish, fruits, milk, and vegetables.

Quit smoking

Chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco damage blood vessels, walls and narrow arteries in the long run. It may be challenging to quit smoking, but it is worth it, as it is suitable for overall health.

Control your stressors

So many factors can bring about stress, but it is good you find a way to control them for your blood pressure and overall health. Meditation, quality sleep, listening to music, taking a walk, and yoga are good ways to counter the effect of stress.

Get quality sleep

Sleeplessness causes an elevation in blood pressure. Make sure you get good quality sleep of 7 hours per night and ensure not to oversleep as that could also lead to an elevation in blood pressure.

Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol is a blood pressure raiser when consumed excessively.  Even if you are to drink alcohol, do not exceed an intake of 30 grams per day. Drink responsibly.

Eat dark chocolate

This one is for chocolate lovers. Studies have shown that chocolates lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. But ensure the dark chocolate contains 60 to 70 percent cacao. 

Follow the doctor’s prescription when experiencing blood pressure 

This is for those whose blood pressure is very high or doesn’t decrease after making lifestyle changes. Talk with your doctor to know the medication that suits you best. 

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