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Daily Habits That Damage The Brain

Daily Habits That Damage The Brain

Daily Habits That Damage The Brain

The brain is the most crucial organ of the human body. We humans often do not realise the little daily habits we do frequently can cause damage to the brain. Since the brain controls everything your body does, it is necessary to take care of it by making healthy life choices and avoiding bad habits.

Taking charge of your overall health and staying clear of things that can damage your brain is vital for your brain health. Therefore we have put together ten daily habits that can damage the brain, as well as tips on how to stop these unhealthy habits and protect your health.

Here are ten daily habits that damage the brain;

Insufficient sleep

Sleep deprivation reduces the brain’s ability to function normally. Suppose you have ever lost your way home or forgotten your phone somewhere and cannot remember where it is likely that a lack of sleep was the cause of your temporary memory loss. Sleep deprivation causes cognitive problems. Specific brain cells die when you do not get enough sleep, making it difficult to remember things. Sleep deprivation or disruption can also cause psychological issues. Hence, If you want to protect your brain, get at least seven hours of sleep each night. It is also critical to address any sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea.

Not drinking enough water.

The brain is mainly made of water, approximately 75% of. Keeping hydrated is thus one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp and alert. To function correctly, our brain requires proper hydration, and dehydration can cause shrinkage of brain tissue, impairing cognitive performance. Brain cells require a balance of water and other elements to function correctly, and dehydration can disrupt this balance, causing brain cells to lose efficiency. When we are dehydrated, we struggle to stay alert and think clearly. One piece of advice is to drink water before you are thirsty. Always keep a bottle with you and drink at least 2 litres of water daily.


A statement says, “too much of anything is bad”. This is a fact actual and also applies to the brain. If the brain is not functioning normally, we tend to overeat, and overeating leads to brain damage. Overeating causes cholesterol plaque deposition and thickening of blood vessels in the brain, resulting in decreased blood supply to brain cells. This can seriously impair the brain’s normal functioning. Overeating has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Obesity is caused by overeating, which damages our self-image and self-confidence and can lead to depression and other psychological problems. To protect your brain, eat healthy and practice portion control.

Skipping breakfast

As the saying goes, breakfast is the day’s most important meal, and no more actual words have ever been spoken. It is critical to begin your day with a nutritious breakfast that will provide your body with the energy it requires. Skipping breakfast can result in low blood sugar levels, producing less energy for the brain and other vital organs. This can also affect your mood, causing you to simultaneously be “hangry”—hungry and angry. A lack of brain fuel may also result in a decrease in the functioning of brain cells. This could explain why you have headaches and dizziness after not eating for a while.

Listening to loud music

Music is an excellent way to relax and unwind. However, if you blast your headphones, you may damage your hearing. Hearing damage can occur in as little as 30 minutes. And once you have damaged your hearing, it is gone for good. While hearing loss is a problem in and of itself, people who suffer from it are also more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. According to some researchers, the brain works so hard on hearing that it cannot store memories of what is heard. As a result, if you want to keep your brain healthy, listen to music at a safe volume for no more than a couple of hours at a time.


This is probably one of the most dangerous habits we have, as smoking not only causes lung or heart disease but also causes shrinkage of multiple cells in the brain, which can lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s, and even death. Excessive smoking causes neuro-inflammation, leading to Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder (M.S.).

Not socialising

Our brains are wired for social interaction and thrive on human bonds and connections. Interacting with others daily aids in the maintenance of brain function and mental performance. According to research, people who socialise with their friends and family outperform those who do not talk or share their feelings regularly. Engaging in a conversation for even a short period of time every day can help lift your mood and mind. Maintaining positive social relationships may also help to reduce depression risk.

Working when sick

When we are overworked, we frequently become ill. If we continue to work while sick, the brain’s efficacy is bound to suffer dramatically. This will only exacerbate the situation. When we are sick, our brain and body work overtime to combat the infection. Working on a sick day will only make matters worse. So take a break, relax, and recover.

Covering your head while sleeping

This is one seemingly innocuous habit that may be doing more harm to your brain than you realise. While sleeping, covering your head with a pillow or blanket may cause an accumulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide around your head. Inhaling a mixture of these concentrated gases could cause brain damage. Oxygen is essential for brain function, and a lack of it can impede brain growth. Meanwhile, increased carbon dioxide exposure can cause increased blood pressure in your head, resulting in headaches. This practice has been linked to an increase in the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Not exercising

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” as the saying goes. Exercise increases your flexibility and mobility without enough exercise, mobility and brain power to move decrease, as do stability and motor skills. Exercising has been shown in studies to help us stay younger by releasing happy hormones known as endorphins. Exercise strengthens not only the brain but also the heart and lungs.

These are just a few examples of bad habits that can harm your brain. Keep these habits in mind and avoid them as much as possible if you want to keep your brain healthy. Remember that your brain is a delicate organ that requires special care. Your brain will be grateful. If you have any inquiries feel free to speak to our doctors HERE.

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