Gut HealthHealthNewsWomen's Health

"Unbelievable": Worm Removed Alive from Woman's Brain –a World's First 

In an unprecedented medical milestone, a 64-year-old woman hailing from New South Wales, Australia, found herself admitted to the local hospital due to a perplexing array of symptoms. The journey that followed was nothing short of astonishing, as doctors unearthed a startling discovery that had never been encountered before. A rarity in scientific exploration Late in January 2021, the woman…
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LifestyleMental Health

How Can a Person Prevent Their Brain Functions From Deteriorating?

The human brain is the incredible control center that keeps us ticking, imagining, and occasionally daydreaming about a world where we have superpowers. But just like a vintage car engine, your brain needs some extra care to avoid sputtering and losing its horsepower. So, dear readers, buckle up as you embark on a fascinating journey into the realms of preventing brain function…
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HealthMental Health

Electric Brain: A Brief Intro To The Purported Attention And Memory Booster

Electric Brain: A Brief Intro To The Purported Attention And Memory Booster Our brains are one of the most complex organs we possess. They govern our every thought, action, and emotion, making them a fundamental part of what makes us who we are. However, what happens when our brains stop functioning optimally? What if we could employ an electric brain to boost our attention, memory, creativity…
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HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyle

Daily Habits That Damage The Brain

The brain is the most crucial organ of the human body. We humans often do not realise the little daily habits we do frequently can cause damage to the brain. Since the brain controls everything your body does, it is necessary to take care of it by making healthy life choices and avoiding bad habits. Taking charge of your overall health and staying clear of things that can damage your brain is…
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