Health ConditionsHealth FactsLifestyle

Are Cotton Buds for Your Ears: Find Out The Truth 

Cotton buds, those seemingly innocent and convenient tools, have been a part of our personal care routines for as long as we can remember. Many of us reach for them without a second thought, believing they are designed for cleaning our ears. But is that the truth? Let’s delve into the matter and uncover the facts. 1.Cotton buds are not for ear cleaning Contrary to popular belief…
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HealthHealth FactsSkin Care/ Beauty

Why You Should Never Think of Getting Rid of Your Ear Wax 

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by our bodies to protect and lubricate our ears. While it may not be the most glamorous topic, ear wax plays a crucial role in maintaining ear health. Despite its less-than-appealing reputation, there are several reasons why you should never consider getting rid of your ear wax. 1. Acts as a barrier First and foremost, ear wax…
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