Table of ContentsOverviewPhases of OccurrenceTypes of ThyroiditisKey FactsSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical TreatmentsConclusion
Thyroiditis is a clinical condition that denotes an inflammation or swelling of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland located in front of the neck which secrets thyroid hormones. These hormones…
Table of ContentsOverviewCourseKey FactsSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionsTypical TreatmentConclusion
Graves’ disease, also called toxic diffuse goiter, is an autoimmune endocrine disorder. It appears like growth in the thyroid gland and manifests the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, Graves’ disease eventually results in hyperthyroidism…
Table of ContentsOverviewKey FactsSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical TreatmentsConclusion
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, just in front of the windpipe. It produces hormones that regulate your heart rate and body temperature.
Hyperthyroidism is when the gland creates too much thyroid hormone- also called overactive thyroid. It can…