
5 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Energy

Everyone has one of those mornings waking up not energised and just wanting to spend all day in bed, but that isn’t always an option because bills won’t pay themselves. In situations like this, most people take a cup of coffee to feel energised for the day. Coffee may be good, but it isn’t a good option when looking to start a hectic and promising day. Yoga is one effective…
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HealthHealth ConditionsHeart Disease

Cardiac Arrest: Everything You Need to Know

Cardiac arrest is the abrupt loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness in a person, usually resulting from an electrical disturbance. It can come on suddenly or in the wake of other symptoms, often fatal if appropriate steps are not taken immediately. Although it is often mistaken for a heart attack caused by a blockage that stops blood flow to the heart, a heart attack refers to the…
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HealthLifestyleMen's HealthMental and sexual healthMental Health

Why Men Need To Take Their Mental Health Seriously

People –men included– of different sex, race, locality can experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Gender stereotypes and stigma can also make it harder for men and their healthcare professionals to know when they might need mental health support. Two reasons Why Men Need To Take Their Mental Health Seriously 1. To Break The Stigma Around Men’s…
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LifestyleMental and sexual healthMental Health

My Friend Is Suicidal, How Can I Help?

Everyone sometimes feels sad, depressed, stressed, or angry, especially when dealing with pressures from school, friends, family, and society. However, some people may not be able to overcome the feeling of hopelessness, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. One of your friends might be struggling lately, and when you try reaching out to them, they reply with I’m thinking about suicide. The sound…
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HealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthMental Health

Social Media's Impact On Mental Health

In today’s world, it is hard to walk past a group of people without noticing at least 70% of them on their phones. Everyone is either on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. I mean, that is where all the fun is supposed to be. People spend time on social media to pass time and have a good laugh. However, it is without a doubt that social media has caused more harm than good. The…
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Health Facts


Table of ContentsOverview Key FactsTypes of HallucinationsSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionsTypical TreatmentConclusion Overview Hallucinations are psychological or mental occurrences. These are mental states that imply the falsity of sensory experiences. There may be no nervous stimulation transmitted across the sensory modalities. Still, an individual may begin to…
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Health Facts


Table of ContentsOverviewSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical TreatmentsConclusion Overview Nigeria has the highest caseload of patients with depression in Africa. Everyone experiences changes in mood and short periods of emotional response to difficulties in their everyday lives. Depression is different – it is evidenced by experiencing low mood with more severe…
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FitnessLifestyleMental and sexual healthMental Health

These Five Exercises Can Boost Your Mental Health

In recent times, there have been several talks about mental health and how it affects individuals in society. Gen Zs have especially shown heightened levels of stress, depression, and anxiety, which negatively impact their mental health. As long as situations can trigger or jeopardise your mental health, there will always be a need for conversations on what should be done. However, let us…
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Five Benefits Of Aerobic Exercises

Working out is a great way to begin your day. Most people would like to squat or try lunges before daily activities. Aerobic exercises are another great way to get your body pumped and ready for the day. “What are aerobic exercises?” you may ask. Aerobic exercises are any activities that cause your heart to beat faster and your large muscle groups to contract. It is also known as…
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FitnessLifestyleMental and sexual healthMental Health

5 Benefits Of Exercise On Mental Health

In recent times, there have been several talks about mental health and how it affects individuals in society. Amongst individuals, Gen Zs have especially shown heightened levels of stress, depression, and anxiety which is a detriment to their mental health. And as long as situations can trigger or jeopardise your mental health, there will be a need for conversations on what should be done or what…
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