
Fathers: Are you meeting the nutritional needs of your teens?

Are you a father in Nigeria with teenagers at home? Have you ever wondered what you can do to ensure that your child is getting the nutrition they need for optimal health? Well, wonder no more because here we have all you need to know! Firstly, let’s talk about the basics. Teenagers require a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals to meet…
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Nutritional and Health Benefits Of Oranges

Oranges are a powerhouse of nutrition. They contain a high concentration of vitamin C, making them an essential part of any balanced diet. In fact, oranges can do so much for your well-being that some have even called them “nature’s multivitamins.” Not only are oranges filled with vitamins and minerals that are essential to our daily diets, but they also contain antioxidants which help…
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