Health Facts

Thyroid Nodules

Table of ContentsOverviewKey FactsSymptoms and DiagnosisCauses and PreventionsTypical TreatmentsConclusion Overview Nodules that are solid or filled with fluid can form inside your thyroid gland, a tiny gland found at the base of your neck, right above your breastbone. Thyroid nodules are very common, but only a small fraction are cancerous. Thus, most thyroid nodules are harmless…
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Health Facts

Graves' Disease

Table of ContentsOverviewCourseKey FactsSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionsTypical TreatmentConclusion Overview Graves’ disease, also called toxic diffuse goiter, is an autoimmune endocrine disorder. It appears like growth in the thyroid gland and manifests the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, Graves’ disease eventually results in hyperthyroidism…
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