Babies and KidsLifestyleParenting

Helping Your Child to Make The Right Friends: Here Is What to Do 

As parents, one of the hardest things to do is letting our children go out into the world to make friends in their own way. Many of us worry that they will choose friends with bad influences and ruin their lives. However, we also know that making friends is an essential part of growing up. So, what can we do to help our children make the right friends? Here are some tips to get you…
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Babies and KidsHealthNutrition

When Replenishing Fluids, Does Milk Beat Water? 

When it comes to replenishing fluids, people often turn to water. After all, it’s the easiest and most cost-effective way to quench your thirst. But what if we told you that there’s a better alternative? Yes, it exists, and it’s none other than your favorite childhood beverage – milk! Now, before you dismiss it as a ludicrous idea, hear us out. Milk contains several nutrients, vitamins…
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Babies and KidsParentingWomen's Health

The Role of Mothers In Building Strong Family Relationships

No doubt, as a mother you wear many hats, but one of the most significant ones you must don is the hat of building strong family relationships. Through their love, support, and encouragement, mothers are generally the rocks that families are built on. In Africa for instance, mothers have an invaluable role to play in building strong family bonds, and here are some of the ways every…
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Babies and KidsParentingWomen's Health

Child Leukaemia: What Every Mom Needs to Know About Caregiving 

Childhood is a time when our little ones should be running around, playing with their friends and exploring the world around them. Sadly, in Africa for instance, many children are faced with the daunting challenge of battling leukaemia – a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells. Leukaemia is a heart-wrenching disease that can be difficult for any parent to deal with. In this…
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Babies and KidsFertilityPregnancyWomen's Health

Top 5 Best Pregnancy Tests for Accurate Results in 2023: A Comprehensive Review

Pregnancy tests can be nerve wracking and riddled with anxiety for any woman who wants to know if she is expecting a little one. So, if you’re a mom-to-be searching for the best pregnancy tests to detect pregnancy with utmost accuracy in 2023, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a comprehensive review of the top five best pregnancy tests on the…
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Babies and KidsFertilityPregnancyWomen's Health

Unveiling the Truth About Early Pregnancy: Don't Fall for These Misconceptions

As the saying goes, “life is full of surprises,” and sometimes those surprises come in the form of an unexpectedly positive pregnancy test. Whether it’s planned or unplanned, there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding early pregnancy that need to be debunked. Here are the top five things to keep in mind when navigating the exciting world of early pregnancy in an African…
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Babies and KidsNutritionParenting

Nutrition: Why every child Needs Adequate Nutrition for Growth and Development

Do you remember when your mom told you to eat your vegetables so you can grow big and strong? Well, she wasn’t just saying it to annoy you. Adequate nutrition is crucial for growth and development, especially for children. And in Africa, where malnutrition is still a major problem, it’s important to understand why every child needs proper nutrition. The dilemma of nutrition in…
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Babies and KidsParenting

Parenting: Raising Children in Africa - How Can We Strike A Balance?

Hey folks, do you know what’s worse than barrenness? Raising unbalanced children! I mean, let’s face it, we all want our kids to be successful, but are we truly considering what success means for them and how we can help them achieve it in a healthy manner? Parenting in Africa has evolved over the years, but one thing that remains constant is the need for a balanced approach. We…
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Babies and KidsPregnancyWomen's Health

Access to Safe Abortion Services in Africa: Examining The Challenges And Solution

Abortion is a taboo subject in most African States, and there is a lot of cultural and religious pressure against it. However, the reality is that many women find themselves in situations where they need to terminate a pregnancy, whether it is due to a health risk, an unwanted pregnancy, or even rape. Unfortunately, the lack of access to safe abortion services only makes things harder for these…
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Babies and KidsParentingPregnancyWomen's Health

Pregnancy: What Every African Man Should Know About Supporting Their Wives

As an African man, there are some things that we have been taught to handle well: providing for our families, offering protection, and keeping the homestead in order. However, when it comes to the role of fatherhood, there isn’t a pre-existing playbook for us to refer to. Fuelled by cultural biases, it just hasn’t been seen as “manly” to take an active role in pregnancy and…
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