Babies and KidsPregnancySexual HealthWomen's Health

Pregnancy: Understanding the Benefits and Challenges of Antenatal Care in Nigeria

Have you ever wondered what benefits the antenatal care system in Nigeria can afford you? Or do you know the benefits but wonder why so many pregnant women are not under this care? Well, we can explain. Some see it as a curse, a punishment, or an inconvenience. Others see it as a blessing, a miracle, and a responsibility. But the truth is, pregnancy is a natural phenomenon that should be…
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Babies and KidsPregnancyWomen's Health

Pregnancy: How Nigerian Mothers Can Safely Manage Gestational Diabetes

Are we out of the woods yet? That’s the question that any expectant mother with gestational diabetes should be asking. With every day that passes, the need to manage gestational diabetes becomes all the more pressing. This is especially true for Nigerian mothers, who have the added challenge of fighting against cultural norms and misconceptions about the condition. But fear not, dear…
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Babies and KidsPregnancyWomen's Health

Reasons Why Some Women Reach Orgasm During Childbirth

It’s not a myth – orgasm during childbirth is real and it happens to some women. It’s hard to believe but many women feel the same orgasmic sensation during labour that they would experience in any other situation. In fact, there are several potential reasons why some women reach orgasm while giving birth. Hormonal surges During pregnancy and childbirth, your body…
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Babies and KidsHealthHealth ConditionsPregnancyWomen's Health

High Blood Pressure In Pregnancy

Hypertension, or high blood pressure in pregnancy, is when blood pressure (the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood) is too high. Some women have high blood pressure before getting pregnant, and some develop it during pregnancy. Preeclampsia, a life-threatening blood pressure disorder, can happen during pregnancy or after pregnancy.
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Babies and KidsFitnessHealthHealth ConditionsLifestylePregnancyWomen's Health

Five Back Pain Relief Tips for Pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is very common. When you step into any massage studio or physical therapist’s office, you’ll probably see some baby bumps in the waiting room; that’s how prevalent back pain during pregnancy can be. It’s been said that about 50 to 75 percent of pregnant women experience back pain at one point in their pregnancy. During pregnancy, many women have achy backs as…
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Babies and KidsDiabetesFitnessHealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleParentingWomen's Health

Obesity In Children: What Parents Should Know

Obesity is the most common dietary issue affecting teenagers and children. In America, 16–18% of children and teenagers are overweight and 21-24% are obese. Now, this brings us to the question, what is Obesity in children? In this article, we will be discussing the definition, causes, prevention, and diagnosis of obesity in Children. What is Obesity In Children? Obesity in Children is a…
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Babies and KidsHealth ConditionsWomen's Health

Cancer In Children: What You Need To Know

Cancer is a devastating diagnosis, regardless of age. But childhood cancer can be especially heartbreaking, as children are expected to be in the prime of their lives. Childhood cancer is a rare disease, accounting for only 1 in 285 deaths of those under the age of 19. Despite this rarity, childhood cancer continues to be a major public health problem that affects thousands of families…
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Babies and KidsHealth ConditionsNewsPregnancyWomen's Health

Severe Vomiting During Pregnancy Can Lead To Miscarriage - Gynaecologists

Vomiting has always been one of the many symptoms of early pregnancy. Although not every pregnant woman experiences it. Recently, maternal health specialists have encouraged pregnant women not to overlook severe vomiting as a common symptom, pointing out that it can harm both the mother and the baby. They also warned that if not handled appropriately and swiftly by skilled medical personnel, it…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Taking Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a rough journey; more days than not, you’re just not feeling it. But it doesn’t have to make you lose all your shine if you can help it. As much as pregnancy causes changes that alter your natural frame, taking care of your skin should be at the top of your list. The changes a pregnant woman experiences are caused by increased female hormones known as oestrogen and…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Is Sour Cream Safe to Eat When You're Pregnant?

While pregnancy is a beautiful experience, it is also a time when you and your baby are more susceptible to diseases. Knowing which foods to consume and avoid can be challenging for a first-time mom. Sour creams are dairy products that have undergone the process of pasteurization i.e. heating the product under mild heat and then cooling it. One concern most pregnant women have is whether sour…
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