Health FactsMalariaSkin Care/ Beauty

These are 5 Reasons You're More Attractive to Bloodsucking Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can turn a relaxing summer evening into an itchy nightmare. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be mosquito magnets while others remain relatively unscathed? From genetics to lifestyle choices, several factors can make you more attractive to these bloodsucking pests. In this article, we’ll explore five reasons why mosquitoes just can’t resist you. 1. Genetic…
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HealthHealth ConditionsMalaria

5 Diseases Spread By Mosquitoes Aside  Malaria

If you ask most Nigerians what diseases are spread by mosquitoes, malaria is likely to be the answer you will get. While this is true, the awful truth is that mosquito bites transmit more than malaria because the disease that a particular mosquito carries depends on the mosquito type. So, what other kinds of diseases are mosquitoes capable of inflicting on their victims? Some Diseases…
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HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleMalaria

Facts About Malaria You Need To Know

When you feel feverish, tired, and weak, one of the first illnesses to probably cross your mind may be malaria. Those are some typical symptoms of the illness. Many people already know what it feels like because malaria is quite a prevalent disease in Nigeria. The malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, is transmitted by the female anopheles mosquito, which is quite common in…
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