Getting tested for STDs can feel like an embarrassing experience for many, but it should not be. It is perfectly normal and a smart thing to do too. There are dozens of STDs in existence, and nothing is embarrassing about wanting to keep yourself safe from them.
Sex is fun, and you should enjoy it to the fullest with your partner. But if it could get you in trouble, especially…
There are quite a several sexually transmitted infections with varying causes and symptoms. However, the tricky thing about gonorrhoea and some other S.T.I.s is that they may not cause any symptoms. A person can have gonorrhoea and feel completely fine, with nothing to suggest that something is wrong with their health. This is why every sexually active person needs to stay one step ahead by…
You must have heard of the amazing, almost magical benefits of good food to your health. Food can be a remedy for illnesses, especially those caused by nutrient deficiencies. But what can food do for illnesses caused by other factors like sexual contact? Can nutrition help make it better?
Sexually transmitted infections are infections that are passed on from one person to another through sexual…