Babies and KidsPregnancyWomen's Health

Access to Safe Abortion Services in Africa: Examining The Challenges And Solution

Abortion is a taboo subject in most African States, and there is a lot of cultural and religious pressure against it. However, the reality is that many women find themselves in situations where they need to terminate a pregnancy, whether it is due to a health risk, an unwanted pregnancy, or even rape. Unfortunately, the lack of access to safe abortion services only makes things harder for these…
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Babies and KidsParentingPregnancyWomen's Health

Pregnancy: What Every African Man Should Know About Supporting Their Wives

As an African man, there are some things that we have been taught to handle well: providing for our families, offering protection, and keeping the homestead in order. However, when it comes to the role of fatherhood, there isn’t a pre-existing playbook for us to refer to. Fuelled by cultural biases, it just hasn’t been seen as “manly” to take an active role in pregnancy and…
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Babies and KidsPregnancySexual HealthWomen's Health

Pregnancy: Understanding the Benefits and Challenges of Antenatal Care in Nigeria

Have you ever wondered what benefits the antenatal care system in Nigeria can afford you? Or do you know the benefits but wonder why so many pregnant women are not under this care? Well, we can explain. Some see it as a curse, a punishment, or an inconvenience. Others see it as a blessing, a miracle, and a responsibility. But the truth is, pregnancy is a natural phenomenon that should be…
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HealthPregnancySexual HealthWomen's Health

Sexual Health: Empowering Nigerian Adolescents to Make Informed Sexual Choices

Are you ready for a talk about sex? Let’s face it, we all need it. It’s no secret that sex is a basic physiological need, but when it comes to discussing sexual health in Nigeria, the tone changes drastically. The cultural and religious beliefs in Nigeria tend to hamper discussions about sex education, which often leaves adolescents confused and vulnerable. Despite the efforts of a…
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Babies and KidsPregnancyWomen's Health

Pregnancy: How Nigerian Mothers Can Safely Manage Gestational Diabetes

Are we out of the woods yet? That’s the question that any expectant mother with gestational diabetes should be asking. With every day that passes, the need to manage gestational diabetes becomes all the more pressing. This is especially true for Nigerian mothers, who have the added challenge of fighting against cultural norms and misconceptions about the condition. But fear not, dear…
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Babies and KidsPregnancyWomen's Health

Reasons Why Some Women Reach Orgasm During Childbirth

It’s not a myth – orgasm during childbirth is real and it happens to some women. It’s hard to believe but many women feel the same orgasmic sensation during labour that they would experience in any other situation. In fact, there are several potential reasons why some women reach orgasm while giving birth. Hormonal surges During pregnancy and childbirth, your body…
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Poor Nutrition During Pregnancy May Lower Children's IQ —Nutritionist

During pregnancy, women are always advised to take their diet seriously. Eating healthy ensures supplying the body and the baby with sufficient nutrients. Prof. Ngozi Nnam, President of the Federation of African Nutrition Societies, has stated that poor nutrition during pregnancy has a disastrous effect on the brain development of babies. According to the dietitian, a lack of sufficient and…
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Babies and KidsHealthHealth ConditionsPregnancyWomen's Health

High Blood Pressure In Pregnancy

Hypertension, or high blood pressure in pregnancy, is when blood pressure (the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood) is too high. Some women have high blood pressure before getting pregnant, and some develop it during pregnancy. Preeclampsia, a life-threatening blood pressure disorder, can happen during pregnancy or after pregnancy.
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HealthHealth ConditionsPregnancyWomen's Health

Bleeding During Pregnancy: What You Should Know

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is common, and it happens for some reasons. Usually, it’s no cause for alarm; it’s common to have bleeding at some point in pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Most women who experience bleeding during pregnancy go on to deliver healthy babies. But it’s important to take vaginal bleeding during pregnancy seriously because bleeding can…
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Babies and KidsFitnessHealthHealth ConditionsLifestylePregnancyWomen's Health

Five Back Pain Relief Tips for Pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is very common. When you step into any massage studio or physical therapist’s office, you’ll probably see some baby bumps in the waiting room; that’s how prevalent back pain during pregnancy can be. It’s been said that about 50 to 75 percent of pregnant women experience back pain at one point in their pregnancy. During pregnancy, many women have achy backs as…
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