FitnessHealthLifestylePregnancyWomen's Health

Why Pregnant Women Should Start Exercising

Being pregnant can bring a lot of discomfort like fatigue and backaches, but exercise during pregnancy can help reduce those symptoms. Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy and make you feel your best. As regular exercise during pregnancy can improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts like fatigue and backaches, isn’t it…
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Babies and KidsHealth ConditionsNewsPregnancyWomen's Health

Severe Vomiting During Pregnancy Can Lead To Miscarriage - Gynaecologists

Vomiting has always been one of the many symptoms of early pregnancy. Although not every pregnant woman experiences it. Recently, maternal health specialists have encouraged pregnant women not to overlook severe vomiting as a common symptom, pointing out that it can harm both the mother and the baby. They also warned that if not handled appropriately and swiftly by skilled medical personnel, it…
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PregnancyWomen's Health

Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period?

Every woman has at least asked, “can a woman get pregnant on her period?” “what are the chances of getting pregnant while on my period?” questions like this surprise most people, but it does not to others. Hence, we will break down questions and answers surrounding pregnancy during menstruation. How can you get pregnant while on your period? The chances of becoming…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Is Sour Cream Safe to Eat When You're Pregnant?

While pregnancy is a beautiful experience, it is also a time when you and your baby are more susceptible to diseases. Knowing which foods to consume and avoid can be challenging for a first-time mom. Sour creams are dairy products that have undergone the process of pasteurization i.e. heating the product under mild heat and then cooling it. One concern most pregnant women have is whether sour…
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PregnancyWomen's Health

Water Birth: Everything You Need To Know

Water birth simply means sitting, pushing, and delivering into a deep tub filled with warm water. It can occur at home, in a birthing centre, or in hospitals that accommodate water births. However, some hospitals offer water births while others allow you to labour in the tub and deliver your baby on the bed. A nurse, doctor, or midwife is usually assigned to help you through the process. Here…
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Babies and KidsHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

80% Of Nigerian Women Deliver Their Babies At Home

Home births in Nigeria have rapidly increased over time. Women in Nigeria are increasingly choosing home births because they are less expensive, owing to the fact that the cost of delivery in hospitals has skyrocketed due to inflation. According to the Nigerian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, approximately 80% of women in the country deliver their babies home. Dr Habib Sadauki…
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Babies and KidsHealthHealth ConditionsPregnancyWomen's Health

How To Prevent Jaundice Infections During Pregnancy

Jaundice in pregnancy, in the majority of cases, is mild and can be managed successfully. It is more common in newborn babies because babies have many red blood cells in their blood, which are broken down and replaced frequently. According to in-depth findings, gallstones and preeclampsia-related disorders are the most common causes of this condition in pregnant women. Diseases that cause…
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HealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Why More Women Should Opt For Epidurals

Before the advent of modern medicine, midwives were summoned to attend to all births, and doctors were rarely present to help in childbirth. Despite the effort of the midwives, childbirth was a huge risk for both mother and baby to the extent that women often made wills before going into labour. In recent times, birthing methods have changed with the invention of innovative reproductive…
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FitnessHealthLifestyleNutritionPregnancyWomen's Health

How To Have Healthy Pregnancy After Age 35

Women after age 35 can still have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. The key to having a healthy pregnancy after age 35 is to take extra steps to maximise your health and that of your baby during your pregnancy. This is because, when you’re 35 or older, you have a higher chance of developing specific health problems. Though you may be required to undergo a few more recommended tests and…
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HealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Appetite Loss During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Advice

Loss of appetite is the unwillingness to eat, and the feeling of repulsion at the sight of food is a common problem most pregnant women face. Your appetite can fluctuate greatly, especially as your body goes through the changes and stages of pregnancy. You may occasionally find food unappealing, or you can be hungry but can’t just bring yourself to eat. There are many causes behind why you…
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