HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Managing Nutrition in Hepatic and Renal Diseases

Managing Nutrients in Hepatic Diseases Hepatic or liver disease is any of many diseases of the liver. It involves damage to the liver and inflammation of the liver cells. The liver is the largest glandular organ and the second largest in the body. It supplies glucose to the brain, stores nutrients, and fights infections. The liver has a significant role in nutritional metabolism, including…
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Health Facts

Renal Cell Cancer

Table of ContentsOverviewKey FactsSymptomsDiagnosisCauses PreventionTypical TreatmentConclusion Overview Renal cell carcinoma (cancer), RCC, is the primary cancer of the kidney, which develops from the epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), which functions in urine transport. It spreads to other tissues and organs in stages (stages I -IV).  It is more likely that…
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