HealthMen's HealthMental and sexual healthMental HealthSexual Health

For Men: How To Improve Your Sex Drive

Sex drive, also known as libido, is a term that entails having interest or enthusiasm in sexual activity, usually with a partner. It flows naturally, and the presence of it can signify the state of your physical and mental functioning. A healthy sex drive can positively affect your life and improve everything from your self-confidence to your relationships. As a man, there are lots of…
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HealthMental and sexual healthMental HealthSexual Health

Ways Allergies Affect Sexual Health

Allergies occur when your body is exposed to allergens, triggering an immune response to produce histamines. These cause sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, fatigue, congestion, and itchiness. Symptoms of allergies such as congestion and allergy medications (e.g., antihistamines) can cause sleep deprivation, leading to tiredness at sex. Studies revealed that allergies could make getting a good…
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