Welcome, dear readers, to the sweet and intriguing world of sugary drinks and their alleged connection to cancer. In a world where thirst-quenching beverages come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, it’s only natural to wonder if our favorite sugary indulgences are hiding a dark secret. In this article, you will embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries and separate fact from…
Sweet treats have a way of making us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. From the gooey caramel in a chocolate bar to the delightful sprinkle of powdered sugar on a doughnut, there’s no denying the pleasure that comes from indulging in sugary delights. However, beneath the surface of this sweetness lies a hidden danger that we must confront – added sugars.
What is added sugar and its…
Table of ContentsOverviewTypes of HypoglycemiaKey FactsSymptoms DiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical Treatment
Hypoglycemia is a health condition that is caused by a reduction of the level of blood sugar (Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL):). Glucose is a monosaccharide (monomer) that is the primary source of energy for the body. Out of 100 people with the hypoglycemic…
Diabetic patients should eat certain foods to optimise their blood sugar. Usually, diabetes deprives the body of effectively processing carbohydrates to break them down into smaller units, reserved and used for energy.
During the prandial state, blood sugar primarily goes up. The pancreas reacts by releasing the insulin hormone to allow blood sugar to go into cells, thereby regulating blood…