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5 Interesting Facts About Cellulitis

5 Interesting Facts About Cellulitis

It has been long posited that knowledge is power. People also believe that ignorance kills faster than any disease. This is why you need to know what cellulitis entails. The interesting facts of cellulitis are presented to you for educational reasons and not to instil fear in you.

It is one of those skin infections that happens to your skin when there is a break in the skin. It is known as one of the most common bacterial skin diseases. Let’s look at some interesting facts about this skin condition that you should look out for.

Five interesting facts about Cellulitis include:

—Cellulitis occurs when there is a crack or skin in your skin. An untreated cut or burn can allow harmful bacteria like staphylococcus or streptococcus to enter. These bacterias are responsible for cellulitis.

—When this skin condition happens, it causes your skin to be swollen, red, painful and extremely sensitive to touch. It can also be accompanied by a fever and possess the ability to develop on any part of the skin.

—Cellulitis can majorly be treated with oral antibiotics because topical antibiotic creams and ointment don’t work. This is because they don’t penetrate all the layers of the skin.

—Failing to treat cellulitis can make the bacteria spread from your skin into your lymph system or bloodstream. It can also progress from your bloodstream and cause sepsis, and your body organs may begin to malfunction and threaten to shut down.

—It can be prevented by rinsing skin wounds with clean water, applying antibiotic ointment and dressing it. Also, regular bathe and showering can prevent excessive bacteria build-up.

Beyond burns, it is essential to protect your skin from cracks and cuts to prevent cellulitis. Seek quick medical attention in accidental cases.

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