Health ConditionsLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Fungal Skin Infections: Is it contagious?

Fungal Skin Infections: Is it contagious?

Fungal infection, also called mycosis, is a skin disease caused by a fungus. It’s an infection that can affect anyone and appear on several parts of your body. Fungi are present everywhere. They can be found in plants, soil, and household surface, not only on your skin. Although the organism on your skin type does not cause any problem, however, they can multiply faster and penetrate your skin either through a cut or injury and cause an infection to your body system.

Fungal infections are contagious. They spread from one person to another. Sometimes in most cases, being infected comes from direct contact with contaminated surfaces. While most fungi are harmless, some are capable of causing diseases.

Fungal skin infection symptoms

A skin infected with fungi might cause

  • Itching
  • Irritation
  • Swelling
  • Blisters
  • Scaly skin

Common fungal infections

Fungal skin infections can affect any part of your body. The most common fungal infections are athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, yeast infection, and fungal infection of the nail.

Some of them don’t usually cause infections in people. However, they can cause sicknesses in the body of people with weakened immune systems. 

  • Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis according to research, is a type of fungal skin infection that affects the skin on your feet, hands, and nails. This fungal thrives in the warm and humid areas between your toes. It is contagious and most common among athletes. Symptoms include itching, stinging, or burning sensation between your toes or other foot parts.
  • Jock itch is a type of fungal infection that affects the skin on your groin area, inner thighs as well as buttocks. Like an athlete’s foot, it thrives in warm and humid areas.  It is most common among men and boys. Some symptoms include redness, itching, burning sensation, changes in skin colour, rashes, etc.
  • Ringworm, as a fungal infection, affects your skin and scalp. Like others, it grows on the skin, particularly in damp and humid parts of your body. It usually starts with a reddish, itchy, and scaly rash which, with time, form red rings. 
  • Yeast infection is a fungal infection affecting your skin, mouth, urinary tract, genitals, and gastrointestinal tract. According to research, it is also known as candida Albicans which is present in small amounts on your skin and body; however, when it becomes too much, they lead to yeast infection.
  • Toenail fungus is also a common fungal infection that affects your toenails, fingernails, and nail beds. Symptoms include a small light-coloured spot on your nails which, over time, changes the shape and colour of your nails. 

Several factors can increase your risk of being infected with a fungal infection. These factors might include what’s going on in your body or the environment you’re exposed to. Therefore, it is imperative that you practice good hygiene to avoid fungal infections and if you think you have a fungal infection, see your doctor for diagnosis and possible treatment.

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