HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

Why More Women Are Choosing To Go Bald

Baldness has been attributed to male folks over the years and may seem odd when a woman decides to go bald. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why more women are choosing to go bald. Undoubtedly, society frequently associates femininity with long, flowing hair; but an increasing number of women are choosing to celebrate their baldness. In times past, the word “bald”, for very odd…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

How To Apply Sunscreen Correctly

You expose your skin to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (U.V.) rays when you go outside, even on cloudy days. Therefore, whether during vacation or you’re taking a hurried walk in your neighbourhood, it is good to use sunscreen. Sunscreen is like toothpaste; if you use it incorrectly or insufficiently, it will not work. You’ll only leave yourself open to premature ageing (e.g.
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

For Ladies: These Foods Will Naturally Make Your Breast Bigger

Some women would love their breasts fuller, rounder and with ample cleavage to show off in some outfits. Breasts are one of a woman’s most appealing features; they make you look attractive and boost your confidence. You should know what you eat has a significant impact on increasing your cup size. Yes, food can help you get the size and shape of your bust. Astonishing it is, but…
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Hair LossHealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

5 Electrolysis Myths Dispelled

Electrolysis is one of the beauty industry’s best-kept secrets, which has been used as a hair removal treatment for many years. The end goal is to remove unwanted hair growth. Electrolysis is the most successful method for permanent hair removal compared to other methods like tweezing, shaving, depilatories, or waxing, because these methods will only last a few days to a couple of weeks…
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LifestyleNutritionSkin Care/ Beauty

5 Fruits That Will Make Your Skin Glow

Statements like ‘skin like milk’ have become popular on social media as people often use it to hype up their fiends with great skin. Well, milk is great for the skin but they aren’t the only food that can help make your skin glow. Undoubtedly, your skin mirrors what you put inside your bellies, meaning your diet choices will indeed reflect on your skin. Fruits are an…
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Babies and KidsHealthLifestyleSkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

Atopic Eczema In Infants: Recognising And Treating It

If your baby has patches of dry, flaky and rashy skin, there’s a good chance that it is infant eczema (or dermatitis). Eczema in infants is a common skin condition that is not contagious but can cause lots of parenting stress, not to mention the discomfort it can cause your baby. Eczema in infants is basically of two types; atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is an…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Six Lifestyle Habits That Harm Your Skin

As a familiar saying goes, “Our skin reflects our health”. It is, therefore, appropriate to treat our skin with utmost care. However, we tend to overlook that and end up doing things that can harm the skin. It is agreeable that some things are beyond our control – natural ageing, but when it comes to caring for the skin, specific lifestyle changes and unhealthy habits can get in…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

Reasons Why You Should Include Facial Steaming To Your Beauty Regime

Who doesn’t want to leave the house looking all refined and glowing like the sun rising? We all want our skin to glow while looking healthy, and sometimes getting what you want might just warrant breaking the bank. However, if you are really into stepping up your skin game without wanting to break the bank, you should consider face steaming. Facial steaming is a skin treatment that can be…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Stretch Marks: Why They Happen And How To Treat Them

Stretch marks are like a scar that arises when your skin shrinks or stretches quickly. They appear suddenly, causing the collagen and elastin – which support skin – to rupture. They usually occur during puberty, when there are fluctuations in weight or pregnancy. Some skin products can also cause stretch marks. Anyone can develop stretch marks. Fluctuation in hormone levels…
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HealthLifestyleMen's HealthSkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

 5 Myths And Facts About Anti-Aging Skin Care

Ageing is something we would all go through and a normal part of life; it is also one thing women are afraid of (well, asides from bugs). As soon as some start entering their 20s, they become conscious of anything appearing on their skin, and if anything indeed appears, inform acne, pimple or wrinkles, then it becomes a nightmare and concern. In their seeking for alternatives, people…
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