Health ConditionsLifestyleNutritionSkin Care/ Beauty

Effect of Food Poisoning and Allergic Reactions to The Body 

Foodborne illness, also called food poisoning, is one of the common illnesses that occurs when you eat food or drink water that has been contaminated. This contamination can result from bacterial toxins, fungi, parasites, or viruses; in some types of food poisoning, the toxin or poison is naturally part of the food. It is usually mild for most people but can be severe and even deadly for some…
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Gut HealthHealthHealth Conditions

How To Manage Allergies During The Harmattan Season

Oh yeah, harmattan season is here again, gracing you with its cold, chilly, dust haze and dry presence from the Sahara desert. It is one season people dread, especially people with respiratory problems. While for others it is a season they can’t wait to experience every year. Harmattan usually presents itself from November to February. During this period, allergic reactions are being…
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HealthHealth Conditions

5 Signs You Are Having An Allergic Reaction

An allergic reaction happens when you are exposed to allergens, causing your immune system to generate a hypersensitive reaction towards the substances. Substances like dust, food, animal fur, and pollen are allergens that can trigger allergic reactions upon contact by inhaling, touching, or swallowing the allergen. You can also have allergic reactions to bug bites. There are a wide variety…
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