HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

3 Side Effects Of Condoms You Didn't Know

Condoms are one of the barrier methods of contraception. They are a means of birth control by helping to prevent pregnancies. Male and female condoms exist, but the most common ones are males. A male condom also called an external condom, is easily accessible, inexpensive, and easy to use. Even though the primary purpose of using condoms is birth control, it can also benefit the user. One such…
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HealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Condom Mistakes To Avoid

Sometimes, things get broken or even forgotten in the heat of the moment. Events take place that causes a condom to break or tear, and you later find yourself regretting that decision for a very long time. Most people believe they know how to properly use a condom but end up making simple mistakes. These mistakes can eventually cause an STD or might even lead to pregnancy. We have put together a…
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