HealthHealth ConditionsMalaria

The World Is On The Verge Of Another Zika Virus Outbreak, Says Experts

Zika virus, which sent the world into a panic frenzy in 2016 after babies were born with brain damage because their mothers had become infected, may be resurfacing. Scientists have warned that there’s a strong possibility of a fresh outbreak with just a single mutation potentially strong enough to trigger a volcanic spread. According to the study published by Cell Report, the new variant can…
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COVID19HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Best Foods to Build Your Immune System During The Pandemic

At the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, we heard of several mixtures that some people boasted could either cure or prevent. From pungent garlic to salt and water mixture to turmeric and the good ‘Ol ginger. As ridiculous as these theories and concoctions sound, some food ingredients have their benefits in the fight against COVID-19 as they help boost your immune system, even though they…
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COVID19HealthHealth Conditions

The Truth About 5G And Covid-19

In the past year, many countries have faced the challenge of Coronavirus and the major obstacle of fake news and conspiracy theories. Like in any crisis, misinformation spreads faster than the truth. With little information on the novel virus, conspiracy theories began to pop up linking the virus to the new 5G wireless connection. In Nigeria, top religious and political leaders sadly…
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