HealthHealth ConditionsHeart DiseaseLifestyleNutrition

Eliminate These Processed Foods From Your Diet To Save Your Heart

There is no denying that processed foods are convenient and easy to prepare. If you need a quick fix during the day or at night, a pack of cereal, processed meat, or a can of a sardine can help you get something into your belly quickly. Processed foods are also cheap and have a long shelf-life, making them easy to store and incorporate into your diet. But it is essential to be careful because…
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FertilityHealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthNutritionSexual HealthWomen's Health

Fertility Diet: What and What Not to Eat to Boost Fertility

Babies are a joy not just to their parents but also to everyone around them. You want to hold them, play with them, and even give them gifts. However, when couples do not get babies early’, everyone around them gets worried. Neighbours, friends, colleagues, and family become concerned and can sometimes offer the aspiring parents unsolicited advice backed by unfounded theories. This can be rather…
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DiabetesFitnessHealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Diabetic-specific Exercises and Diet for Proper Management

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, there is the fear that you must make a 360-degree change to every aspect of your life. But not to worry, making serious lifestyle changes can help you live better. Two areas of your life that can help manage the condition and keep you going are the food you eat and how much you engage in physical activities. Exercising and having healthy foods are…
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HealthLifestyleNutritionSkin Care/ Beauty

Eat Your Way To A Nicer Skin: 6 Skin-Friendly Foods To Add To Your Diet

We all want to be beautiful and nothing screams beauty louder than great-looking skin. No matter your gender, good skin always sets you apart and that is why people want glowing skin. We invest in our skin- exploring numerous products in the market, reading about skin care tips online, and talking to our friends about it. Some people even go as far as using various chemicals to change the colour…
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