HealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthSexual HealthWomen's Health

Symptoms Women Find Too Embarrassing To Share With Their Doctors

Ever been to a doctor to get some advice or even get treated and get embarrassed just describing your symptoms? Many women have had one of those days. You know those questions they ask that make you want to sink into the ground? It’s okay sis. Almost everyone has been there. Talking about personal issues, especially those relating to health, can be a bit…embarrassing. It is no surprise if…
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7 Local Foods that are Super Healthy and Keep the Doctor at Bay

Nothing like a great meal that makes you feel good and complete. After all, food is essential to life. Healthy foods help with the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins your body needs to function correctly. Highly nutritious food can keep you away from visiting the doctor regularly. Your food choice can help prevent and fight diseases, reducing your time visiting hospitals. Nigeria has a long list…
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