HealthMen's Health

Men and Depression: Signs to check out for

Have you ever heard a Nigerian man say “depression is not real, it’s just laziness”? Let’s talk about how far from the truth this notion is. Depression is real, and it affects not just women, but men too. Yes, you read that right. Nigerian men get depressed too. In fact, according to recent research, African men are less likely to seek help or speak about their mental…
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Natural remedies: 5 drinks that keep your blood clean

Are you looking for something natural, healthy, and incredibly efficient in keeping your blood clean? Yes? Well, buckle up because we’re about to explore not one, not two, but five awesome drinks that will have your blood flowing like a champ. According to The Guardian newspaper, Nigerians on average can consume up to 23 teaspoons of sugar per day, some even consume more. It is…
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Staying Fit in Lagos - Tips & Tricks for the Busy Lifestyle

Living in a major metropolitan city like Lagos can make it challenging to stay fit. With so much hustle and bustle, finding the time and energy to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. But with some creativity and dedication, anyone can stay fit in Lagos. Here are some tips and tricks to stay fit in Lagos. Set Realistic Goals It’s essential to set realistic…
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How to Get Back on Track After the Holiday

The holidays are a time for celebrating, but all that feasting can take its toll on our waistlines. After all the festivities, many of us need to get back on track and shed a few extra pounds. If you’re looking for ways to kickstart your weight loss journey post-Christmas, this article is for you! Here are some tips to help get you back on track and feeling your best in no…
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Tips For Overall Health

No matter the time of the year, resolving to improve your health is always a timely decision. Living healthy can improve your looks, your body’s feelings and overall quality, and even the length of your life. Improving your health requires a positive change in your habits and other day-to-day activities. It takes deliberate effort and discipline to change your lifestyle, but it does…
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