PregnancyWomen's Health

10 Early Signs and Symptoms Of Pregnancy To Watch For 

If you’re trying to conceive or wondering if you might be pregnant, there are early signs to detect. These symptoms aren’t peculiar to every woman, but they are pretty standard. Here’s are signs of pregnancy you should look out for; Missed period This is one of the most prominent early signs of pregnancy. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, this may likely be the first sign you will…
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How Walking Can Impact Your Health Positively

Walking is a great way to maintain your physical and mental health. Talking of its benefits, it is one of the simplest and easiest ways to stay healthy. Just a 30-minute walk exercise every day goes a long way in improving your overall health. Walking is free; you don’t need any equipment or training, and it can be done any time of the day at your own pace. If you are overweight, elderly, or…
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FitnessLifestyleNutritionPregnancyWomen's Health

10 Tips On How To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Every woman desires a healthy pregnancy because the benefits are enormous. A healthy pregnancy lowers the risk of breast cancer, gives her accessible periods and better sex, boosts her mood, and lowers her risk of stroke. While the benefits are enormous, women often struggle with managing their pregnancy and having a smooth ride through the 9-month journey. This article will share ten tips to help…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Why Pregnant Women Shouldn't Drink Fizzy Drinks

Pregnant women and cravings are like gloves in hand, almost inseparable. Sometimes pouring a cold bottle of fizzy drink down your throat is just what you want to satisfy that craving. However, you might want to strongly consider staying away because the presence of carbon dioxide makes them dangerous to your health and your baby. This explains why they make that bubbling long ‘s’ sound…
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Babies and KidsLifestyleNutritionParentingPregnancyWomen's Health

Managing Weight Gain During Pregnancy

One of the many concerns women have during pregnancy is weight gain. Thoughts like “oh I’m getting too fat, will I be able to push when the time comes?” clouds their minds. As valid as these concerns may seem, it is essential to remember that weight gain during pregnancy is normal. Whatever the case, a pregnant woman should avoid dieting or attempting to reduce weight during her…
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