
How Walking Can Impact Your Health Positively

How Walking Can Impact Your Health Positively

Walking is a great way to maintain your physical and mental health. Talking of its benefits, it is one of the simplest and easiest ways to stay healthy. Just a 30-minute walk exercise every day goes a long way in improving your overall health. Walking is free; you don’t need any equipment or training, and it can be done any time of the day at your own pace.

If you are overweight, elderly, or haven’t exercised in a long time, walking is a great exercise; hence, recommended.

Here are some health benefits of walking;

  • It reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • It makes bones stronger thus, improves balance.
  • It helps with weight loss by reducing body fat.
  • It increases cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness.
  • Enhances longer life. According to research, people who exercise regularly in their fifties and sixties are 35% less likely to die over the next eight years than their non-walking counterparts.
  • Improves blood pressure
  • Improves your breath. When you walk, your breathing rate increases, causing oxygen to travel faster through the bloodstream, helping to eliminate waste products and improve your energy level and ability to heal.
  • Controls sugar levels and reduces your risk of diabetes.
  • Manages conditions such as high cholesterol and joint and muscular pain.
  • Boosts your mood by increasing blood flow and circulation to the brain and body.

All these and more are reasons why you should start your walking exercise. Try to make walking a daily routine. So, instead of taking the lifts sometimes, use the stairs; you can also walk for lunch breaks, walk home after work or walk to shops when purchasing items. To make it exciting and enjoyable, you can invite your friends to join you and listen to music while walking. Also, choose a walk that suits your age, wear loose and comfortable clothing and shoes, and wear sunglasses, sunscreen, or a hat to avoid sunburn. Avoid bad routes and drink plenty of water before and after your walk.

Building it into your daily lifestyle plan makes it easier for you to be consistent. However, you might find yourself not being regular with the routine, don’t give up. Instead, always get back on track by reminding yourself of its benefits. If you have any medical condition, speak with your doctor before exercising.

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