Hair LossHealthHealth Conditions

Medications That Can Cause Hair Loss

Nobody wants to deal with hair loss, especially without even knowing that it was caused by medication. We at Doctall care about you and your health, so we have compiled a list of medications that can cause hair loss some of these medications that cause hair loss are a result of side effects that aren’t known. Drugs cause hair loss by interfering with the normal cycle of scalp hair growth. The…
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5 Reasons To Keep A First Aid Box And What To Have In It

If there is one thing that should not be missing in your home, it is a first aid box. This is because a first aid box is very helpful, especially with cuts and bruises. A first aid box is your go-to help for emergency medical situations in the home. From cuts to burns, injuries, fever, and asthma attacks, a first aid box would always come in handy. A first aid box has become more of a creative…
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