LifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

How To Recognise Pimples On The Face

Recognising pimples is not always easy, as they come in all shapes, sizes and colours. Pimples can be raised bumps with a white or yellow center. They sometimes contain pus and may be tender to the touch. Other types of pimples are small and flesh-coloured, like tiny bumps on the skin’s surface. Some people may also notice that their skin gets oily or greasy after eating certain…
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HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutritionSkin Care/ Beauty

How Sugar Diet Can Affect Your Skin

Saying many people love adding too much sugar to almost everything they eat and drink is so true. As a matter of fact, from the amount of added sugar in many of your favourite diets, to the sweet stuff you mix into your coffee, you may be consuming almost 270 calories of added sugar each day. Surprising? Well, taking about 17 teaspoons of sugar will amount to 270 calories of sugar.
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Health ConditionsLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Fungal Skin Infections: Is it contagious?

Fungal infection, also called mycosis, is a skin disease caused by a fungus. It’s an infection that can affect anyone and appear on several parts of your body. Fungi are present everywhere. They can be found in plants, soil, and household surface, not only on your skin. Although the organism on your skin type does not cause any problem, however, they can multiply faster and penetrate your skin…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Taking Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a rough journey; more days than not, you’re just not feeling it. But it doesn’t have to make you lose all your shine if you can help it. As much as pregnancy causes changes that alter your natural frame, taking care of your skin should be at the top of your list. The changes a pregnant woman experiences are caused by increased female hormones known as oestrogen and…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

How Wearing Makeup Everyday Affects Your Skin

Wearing makeup out is like putting on your amour before getting to the battlefield. Society is a woman’s battlefield. Applying makeup for an occasion or because you feel like it is not a wrong decision. Women wear makeup not because they do not like how they look but because it helps boost their confidence. However, even as much as putting on makeup is not a deadly crime. It is…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Stretch Marks: Why They Happen And How To Treat Them

Stretch marks are like a scar that arises when your skin shrinks or stretches quickly. They appear suddenly, causing the collagen and elastin – which support skin – to rupture. They usually occur during puberty, when there are fluctuations in weight or pregnancy. Some skin products can also cause stretch marks. Anyone can develop stretch marks. Fluctuation in hormone levels…
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HealthLifestyleWomen's Health

5 Interesting Facts About Cellulitis

It has been long posited that knowledge is power. People also believe that ignorance kills faster than any disease. This is why you need to know what cellulitis entails. The interesting facts of cellulitis are presented to you for educational reasons and not to instil fear in you. It is one of those skin infections that happens to your skin when there is a break in the skin. It is known as…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Acne Breakout And Diet Myths You Should No Longer Believe

Whether you experience significant or occasional acne breakouts, you have likely wondered what to do to stop those angry-looking (and sometimes painful) bumps on your skin. Acne is a common inflammatory skin condition that affects people of all ages. It occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. One thing is sure – what you eat may play a role. For…
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Babies and KidsHealthLifestyleParentingWomen's Health

Causes Of Diaper Rash In Babies And How To Prevent It

Diaper rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, is babies’ most common skin problem. Diaper rash is any rash generally caused by moisture in the diaper region, causing a wet environment that promotes bacterial or yeast growth. The skin may be red in mild cases, which might clear up within 3 to 4 days with treatment. However, there may be painful, open sores on the skin in severe cases. Though…
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LifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Seven Habits To Avoid For Younger-Looking Skin

As much as we do not like to think about it, the truth remains that our bodies change greatly as we grow older. Our skin begins to change, and we panic. We want to slow down ageing as much as possible and look younger. We worry about the wrinkles, the saggy bit of skin on our chin and wonder how we look when we wear our favourite clothes. It is not wrong to want good, healthy-looking skin as you…
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