
Vaping: Everything You Need To Know

Vaping is a relatively new trend that is quickly gaining traction among youngsters. It is the act of inhaling and exhaling vaporised liquid, usually flavoured, which is created by an electronic device such as an e-cigarette or vape pen. Vaping is often viewed as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes, but is it really? Is vaping safe? And how does vaping compare to traditional smoking?
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Smoking Can Cause Brain Aneurysm Experts Say

If you need another reason to quit smoking, read through; this might do it. There’s been a debate about the deadly effects of smoking on the brain. Several health experts and practitioners have linked smoking to cerebral aneurysms, weakening the brain’s blood vessels, often leading to a rupture and death. A study showed that smoking could cause multiple aneurysms in the brain…
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HealthHealth Conditions

Four Possible Causes Of Bad Breath

Everyone’s mouth –at one time or the other –has smelled bad. It could be caused by eating onions, garlic, or other strong-smelling foods that leave their traces in your mouth after consumption. While these smells go away, bad breath can sometimes be chronic or permanent, what is known medically as halitosis. Bad breath can be a health condition, and just like every other health…
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Hair LossHealthHealth ConditionsMen's HealthWomen's Health

Smoking & Hair Loss; The Connection You Didn't Know of

You and I know that smoking is bad in general; it comes with different problems, like the development of lung cancer and respiratory illnesses. A study in 2018 showed that tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, and at least 69 are known to cause cancer. When you breathe in these chemicals, they can travel from your lungs to your bloodstream. From your blood, they can spread to other…
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