Babies and KidsHealth ConditionsMalariaNutrition

How to Prevent Typhoid Fever in Nigeria

Hey there, Let’s have a chat about a common enemy we all face—typhoid fever. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, grab a cup of tea (or a cold drink if you prefer), and dive into the world of prevention. Trust me, this conversation is going to be as engaging as a captivating Nollywood movie! So, let’s talk about how we can keep typhoid at bay and enjoy good health in your…
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HealthHealth ConditionsMalaria

Why You Should Never Treat Malaria and Typhoid the Same Way

For the average Nigerian, every illness is either malaria or typhoid. Even before a proper diagnosis, headaches, fever and other symptoms are met with a quick run to the pharmacy for OTC malaria drugs or a dash across the street to purchase bitter-tasting local herbal mixtures that claim to treat typhoid and ‘flush the system’. Malaria and typhoid are two illnesses that are very common in this…
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