HealthHealth Conditions

10 Home Remedies To Relieve UTI and Kidney Infection Symptoms

Kidney infections are serious medical conditions that need to be treated right away. These infections frequently begin as urinary tract infections (U.T.I.) or bladder infections, spread to one or both kidneys, and ultimately become chronic. While the majority of kidney infections are manageable and resolve rapidly, they can occasionally cause serious health issues, especially if you are left…
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HealthHealth Conditions

Five Natural Ways To Treat UTIs At Home

Both men and women can get urinary tract infections, which are brought on by bacteria that enter the urinary tract, typically from the bowel. If you’ve ever had one, you will be able to identify the symptoms right away. Cramping, frequent trips to the bathroom, strong-smelling pee that may appear cloudy or dark, and the sensation that your bladder isn’t quite emptying are all…
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HealthMental and sexual healthSexual HealthWomen's Health

For Ladies: Five Things to Do Immediately After Sex

When it comes to sex and other in-between-the-sheets activities, you and your partner may know how to have fun during the moment. But knowing the best practices after sex is also crucial. Here are some key things to do to safeguard your sexual health after sex: You have to pee The urethra is close to the vagina, which could easily get infected during sex. After the deed has been…
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Health Facts

Urinary Tract Infection

Table of ContentsOverviewSymptoms & DiagnosisCauses & PreventionTreatmentsConclusion Overview A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a term used to describe an infection in any part of your urinary system, which is made up of your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower part of the urinary system, so your bladder and urethra. Women are at…
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