
5 Reasons To Keep A First Aid Box And What To Have In It

5 Reasons To Keep A First Aid Box And What To Have In It

If there is one thing that should not be missing in your home, it is a first aid box. This is because a first aid box is very helpful, especially with cuts and bruises. A first aid box is your go-to help for emergency medical situations in the home. From cuts to burns, injuries, fever, and asthma attacks, a first aid box would always come in handy.

A first aid box has become more of a creative figure in most homes and for most people. Ever opened a Danish cookie can and found petty health supplies? Or food cans and jars housing content that you would find in a standard first aid box? The disappointment aside, these fancy boxes with medical supplies are important to have at home.   

What should be in your first aid box? 

Your first aid kit should have the following essentials;

  • Band-Aids
  • Thermometer
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Safety pins
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Triangular bandages
  • Adhesive tape and bandages
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors
  • Cold packs
  • Disposable non-latex gloves
  • Emergency blanket
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Eye patch
  • First aid manual
  • CPR mask or face shield
  • Emergency contact numbers for emergency medical service numbers, relatives, personal doctors and your local poison control centre.

Based on this list, can you rate your first aid box?

Here are reasons why you need a first aid box

  1. A first aid box is your best bet when there’s no fast responder. If help is beyond reach, your kit is your go-to guy that’s ever ready to help.
  2. You can’t count on kids to stay put! Because they are inexperienced and sometimes careless, kids might get hurt. To quickly respond to burns, scrapes, and cuts, you need a first aid kit.
  3. Having a first aid kit is pretty much cheaper than going to the clinic to request and pay for cleanup after a cut.
  4. There are some situations where you don’t have to waste time! You don’t get immediate help if you have no kit. 

You never can tell what’s going to happen the next minute. Be sure to top up your inventory to replace missing items.

How to Use a First Aid Kit

Firstly, ensure that you can properly use all of the items in the kit. Periodically digest the directions and rules of the medications. Also, train your household to use the kit. After all, you could need first aid. Before use or administration, wear latex gloves to protect yourself from contacting body fluids. Check the kit regularly and replace expired drugs. 

For cases beyond your knowledge, contact a Doctor on Doctall to guide you.

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