Anxiety, Depression, and Erectile Dysfunction

How would you feel when your doctor tells you the cause of your erectile dysfunction results from anxiety and depression? I bet most men will be shocked to hear this. Truth be told, anxiety and depression play a big role in erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or keep an erection. It is a common problem that affects men worldwide, and it is nothing to be ashamed of because, luckily, it can always be treated. 

The connection between anxiety, depression, and erectile dysfunction(ED) is accurate because depression and anxiety can trigger imbalanced brain chemicals, and not being able to perform the way you want in the bedroom can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, or depression, making E.D. worse.

Hence, getting your mental health together is necessary because dealing with problems that come with it can affect your daily life in different ways.

How to treat ED associated with anxiety and depression

When erectile dysfunction is caused by anxiety and depression, the first focus will be treating mental health issues through therapy and/or prescription medications. Once you can come around from your mental health issues (anxiety and depression), there is a high probability that your erectile dysfunction symptoms will disappear.

Although even after you’ve figured out how to manage your mental health issues, you may still have symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and this might be a result of the antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. See a doctor and get proper treatment for ED.

Some of the common treatments for ED are;

  • Injections
  • Prescription medicine
  • Testosterone replacement
  • A penis pump
  • Penile implant
  • Blood vessel surgery
  • Psychological counselling
  • Sexual anxiety counselling

Erectile dysfunction can lead to chronic disease if not attended to, so once you discover the symptoms, it is better to see a doctor as quickly as possible. Also, having such a discussion with your doctor opens an avenue to talk about your overall health.

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