DiabetesErectile DysfunctionHealthHealth ConditionsMen's Health

How Diabetes Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

How Diabetes Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Are you amongst individuals struggling with erectile dysfunction unaware of the cause? Well, I’m here to tell you that several things can lead to erectile dysfunction in a man and one major cause is diabetes.

Diabetes can damage the blood supply to the penis and the nerves that control an erection, leading to erectile dysfunction. 

Men with diabetes struggle with blood sugar level swings, mainly if their condition is not managed correctly.

Causes of diabetes 

Diabetes is of two types; type 1 and 2. Several factors, including lifestyle factors and genes, cause the most common form of diabetes.

Overweight and obesity

an individual is more likely to develop diabetes if he is not physically active and is obese or overweight. That is why regular exercise is recommended to keep the body active always.

Insulin resistance

type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which the muscle, liver, and fat cells do not use insulin well. As a result, your body requires more insulin to help glucose enter cells.


when the disease tends to run within the family, it is more likely for a person to inherit it.

How to treat erectile dysfunction

Treatment of erectile dysfunction depends on the cause, and a range of good treatment options exist. These are the same for men with diabetes and those with erectile dysfunction from other causes.

Doctors can switch any prescription medications that may contribute to erectile dysfunction. The most common treatment is with oral tablets. These have been shown to work well in many men with diabetes, restoring sexual function. Certain drugs called PDE-5 inhibitors are used to treat erectile dysfunction.

There are other forms of treatments for erectile dysfunction, and they include;

Hormone therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction who show low testosterone levels.

Vacuum pump therapy

A plastic tube connected to a pump is placed over the penis. The pump empties the tube’s air, which causes blood to be drawn into the penis. A ring is then placed on the base of the penis to maintain the erection during intercourse.

Penile prosthesis

This is only considered when all other treatment options have failed, as it requires major surgery. An inflatable rod is implanted into the penis to erect it for intercourse.

A well-balanced diet, exercise, and stress management are equally important in treating diabetes.

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