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How To Have Healthy Pregnancy After Age 35

How To Have Healthy Pregnancy After Age 35

Women after age 35 can still have a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

The key to having a healthy pregnancy after age 35 is to take extra steps to maximise your health and that of your baby during your pregnancy. This is because, when you’re 35 or older, you have a higher chance of developing specific health problems.

Though you may be required to undergo a few more recommended tests and screenings to detect development risks, there’s no cause for alarm as everything will be normal, and you will have a healthy pregnancy, labour, and delivery.

Many women choose to get pregnant after age 35 for many reasons, from marrying later in their lives to pursuing their careers before having a family.

Even though having pregnancy after age 35 may come with several complications like; trouble getting pregnant, miscarriages, congenital disabilities, preeclampsia, and so on, it comes with some benefits too.

It has been reported that children of older moms may end up healthier, more well-adjusted, and better educated. Also, older moms are likely to live longer.

So, if you’re 35 or older and anticipating getting pregnant, you’re good to go! Taking special care, including making a preconception appointment with a doctor, can help give your baby the very best start.

Things to do to have a healthy pregnancy after age 35

If you’re over age 35, you need to commit to a healthy lifestyle that gives you the healthiest pregnancy and delivery for you and your baby. Some steps to follow are;

Regularly visit your doctor

You need to have a pre-pregnancy checkup first if you’re planning to become pregnant. Your medical provider will offer advice and guidance about a healthy pregnancy diet, things you should avoid during pregnancy, safe prenatal exercise, and the importance of regular checkups.

Ready to start but looking for a doctor? You can book an appointment to speak with a doctor HERE.

Eat healthily

While pregnant, you’ll need more calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. And if you’re already eating healthily, keep it up! Daily prenatal vitamin uptake can help fill any nutritional gaps you may have. Begin to take a prenatal vitamin a few months before you get pregnant.

Gain weight wisely

The right amount of weight gain can help your baby’s health and make it easier to shed extra pounds after delivery. Work with a medical specialist to create the right plan for you.

Avoid drugs and alcohol

Taking drugs and alcohol is not suitable for you and your baby. Therefore, stop taking them immediately before and after you get pregnant.

Steer clear from smoking

If you smoke and plan to have a baby, you should stop immediately. It’s not good for you and your baby.

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