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5 Best Hygiene Practices For Sexually Active Women

Getting complimented when you walk past in your favourite dress, smelling like a million bucks, is always a good highlight of the day. Flip the switch; no one wants to hear whispers about their poor hygiene, especially from a sexual partner. 

You can incorporate different hygiene practices into your lifestyle that will keep your genitals healthy and prevent any development of foul odours. We especially recommend these practices for women who are sexually active to boost their sexual health.

Here are five sexual hygiene practices women can follow;

Stop holding your urine(pee)

You remove microorganisms from your bladder and urethra when you urinate. Therefore, it makes sense that retaining your urine may cause germs and toxins to build up in the urinary tract, which can then result in illnesses. Additionally, it is essential to urinate after sex to flush out any bacteria that could cause a urinary tract infection.

Keep your pubic hair trimmed.

Most women prefer not to trim their pubic hair, but it is not great vaginal hygiene. Trimming your bush is an excellent method to deal with the problem of excessive hair around the vagina which traps sweat and bacteria, causing odour and rashes. So, make sure you trim up.

Do not douche

Douching is the process of washing or cleaning the inside of the vagina with water or other fluid mixtures. Douching causes more harm than benefit. When you clean inside your private parts with quick sprays or showers of water, it forces dangerous bacteria back into your uterus. So stop douching. Since the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, you shouldn’t interfere with how it functions.

Wash front to back

Sexually active women frequently get urinary tract infections, and this should never be ignored because they can swiftly progress to more severe kidney infections. To prevent bacteria from your anus from entering your vagina or urethra, always wash or wipe your body from front to back. To prevent germs from your anus from spreading to other regions of your body, wash that part of your body last every time.

Wear clean underwear

Underwear or clothing that has been sweated on can be very unsanitary. You risk getting yeast infections if you do not take care to wear clean underwear. So ensure you wash sweaty clothes or underwear and always wear fresh and clean ones.

There is much to do regarding keeping good sexual health and hygiene. Once you follow good hygiene practices, you keep bacteria far away from you. In addition, feel free to reach out to doctors to inquire about more hygiene practices for sexually active women.

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