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Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: Causes & How To Prevent It

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: Causes & How To Prevent It

Abnormal vaginal bleeding, also known as menometrorrhagia, occurs when your periods are weighty and prolonged. It can also happen when you bleed between your regular periods. A lot of factors can cause unusual blood flow. 

Some Factors Responsible For Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Include;

Growth in your uterus or cervix:

 This includes uterine fibroids, cervical polyps, and endometrial polyps. These noncancerous growths in your womb could potentially cause this condition.


Vaginal, ovarian, cervical, endometrial, and uterine sarcoma can also be responsible.

Pregnancy Complications: 

A miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy are discovered factors.

Change in Medication

Changing birth control pills can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Also, forgotten tampons and intrauterine devices are one main factor.

Hormone imbalance

Two hormones regulate your menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone. Once one of them gets out of balance, you may begin to experience spotting. Birth control pills, thyroid gland problems, and dysfunctional ovaries can make you experience hormonal imbalances.


Working yourself out and getting involved in exhaustive activities can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. This is because failing to get sufficient sleep affects your hormones.


Some infections, like vagina douching, pelvic inflammatory disease, and intercourse, can cause infections that may result in this unusual bleeding.

Other causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding include:

  • Sexual abuse or direct injury to your vagina.
  • Medical conditions like leukaemia, kidney and liver disease, etc.

The first step to overcoming this severe health condition is when the cause is identified. However, observing the following preventive measures can help.

Measures That Can Help Against Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Maintain a healthy lifestyle 

This cannot be overemphasized. You are what you eat, so eat healthily. Engage in exercise. This is because being overweight can also affect your periods. Ensure that you prioritize healthy foods and avoid unnecessary carbs.

Use Medications rightly

Let it be strictly based on your doctor’s prescription if you must use birth control pills. This will save you from a hormonal imbalance which can, in turn, lead to serious bleeding in the vaginal area.

Reduce Stress

Prioritize your daily tasks and cut down on energy-sapping activities. This will help you reduce stress and help you enjoy your menstrual cycle.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding may not be harmful but can be very harmful simultaneously. This highlights the importance of being open to your physician. Report the unusual blood flow to your doctor and allow him to diagnose the problem. The diagnosis will help you know if the cause of your abnormal vaginal bleeding is an underlying health condition or a mild condition.

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