Health ConditionsHIV/STD/STIsMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Five Reasons Why You Should Get Tested For STIs ASAP

Five Reasons Why You Should Get Tested For STIs ASAP

Sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STI/Ds) don’t announce themselves. It creeps on the unsuspecting. So, if you ever believed you can spot someone who’s infected, it is best to trash the idea. Sexually transmitted diseases are more common and can remain asymptomatic for several years, hence the need to get tested immediately. Check out the following reasons:

Why you need to get checked for sexually transmitted diseases

You need to get tested because even virgins can have sexually transmitted diseases:

Yes! You read that right. Being a virgin could mean that an individual has never had vaginal intercourse. Some STIs can spread through skin-to-skin contact. They include Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV), and Syphilis.

You need to get tested because unidentified STIs may lead to other health issues: 

Since most STIs are asymptomatic, not getting tested may give the disease time to grow and degenerate into something else in your body. Research has shown that HPV can cause cervical cancer and cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis or anus. The earlier you get tested, the easier it is for you to get treated and save yourself from all these risks.

You need to get tested to be treated: 

Without a proper clarification of your status, you won’t know that you need urgent treatment. Also, if you don’t get tested and treated, you will end up innocently spreading the disease to your sex partner. While you may feel like getting tested won’t change your status, it’s great to remember that some sexually transmitted diseases are easily treated when they are identified early. So hurry now, know your status.

You need to get tested to monitor your sexual health: 

STI testing helps you monitor your sexual health and puts you in charge of your sexual life. It also allows you to identify where and how you contracted the disease. Routine testing helps you make informed sexual decisions and protect your fertility. Go for it! Knowledge is ten times better than ignorance.

You need to get tested because not all STIs have symptoms:

Most females with chlamydia do not experience any symptoms. This is the most important reason why you should get checked. It may take years to know that you have been infected. And while you don’t see any symptoms, the disease is wreaking havoc in your body. So, resolve to regularly get tested.

Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections or diseases is non-negotiable. If you love your health and fertility and respect your partner, you will make it a habit to go for regular checkups.

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