Health ConditionsLifestyle

How To Set a Personal Schedule That Helps in Your Busy Moments

Life can sometimes feel like a never-ending whirlwind of commitments, deadlines, and surprises. As our to-do lists grow longer and our days shorter, it becomes increasingly crucial to set a personal schedule that helps us navigate through the chaos with grace and sanity intact. Worry no more, busy bees! In this article, we will embark on a journey to discover the secrets of scheduling success. So…
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How To Reduce Harmful Pollution From a Cooking With a Gas Stove

Most people only care about the air quality outdoors and pay very little attention to the air quality in their houses. Your house can be polluted even if it is sparkling clean on the surface. Cooking with gas stoves can contaminate the quality of air inside and outside your home, which can harm your health. This is because gas stoves emit gasses that can trigger asthma, cause coughing, and make…
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HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyle

Cook With Gas Stove? Here’s How To Reduce Harmful Pollution

Most people only care about the air quality outdoors and pay very little attention to the air quality in their houses. Your house can be polluted even if it is sparkling clean on the surface. Cooking with gas stoves can contaminate air quality inside and outside your home, harming your health. This is because gas stoves emit gasses that can trigger asthma, cause coughing, and make your body prone…
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Erectile DysfunctionHealth ConditionsMen's HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Causes and How to self-manage Erectile Dysfunction

Many things can affect the quality of your life. For men, friends, work, exercise, and sexual activity are key ingredients of a good life. Sexual activity is essential not just for pleasure but for health too. However, some men experience difficulty in that department and often find it difficult or embarrassing to open up about it. Erectile dysfunction is one disorder that can cause this…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Daily Care Routine for Glowing Black Skin

Great skin requires deliberate effort and proper maintenance. Even if you already have good skin and you believe in the saying “black don’t crack”, there is still a need to keep your skin in good condition. When deciding on a skincare routine for your gorgeous skin, you need to consider that there are different routines for different skin colours. Your skin tone is one of the primary…
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Tips For Eating Healthy When You Are Busy

When you lead a busy life, sometimes you just might completely forget about food. It is also very easy to give in to the temptation to get unhealthy snacks because you need to eat something quickly and get back to work. Unhealthy eating is detrimental to your health and can cause health problems like obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and even tooth decay. This is why it is…
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Sleep Management: Tips To Help You Sleep Better

You may have noticed that sleeping well leaves you feeling refreshed, more alert and even happier. Good sleep is great for your health and great for your looks too. Your skin looks healthy, your eyes bright, and even your hair looks healthier and fuller. As you grow older, you may notice changes in the quality and even amount of sleep you get. It may become slightly harder to fall asleep and stay…
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HealthHealth ConditionsMen's Health

Men’s Health: How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate health is vital to men. This is because the prostate is a vital organ that plays a key role in fertility and the overall health of the body. Though the prostate is a small gland, it is responsible for producing some fluids contained in the semen. The semen transports sperm, hence the link to fertility. There are a number of prostate-related health issues that affect men. They include…
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HealthLifestyleSkin Care/ Beauty

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Acne

It is not uncommon to see people peering closely at the mirror and picking at the skin on their faces, trying to get that stubborn swelling to reduce. Some people even have their friends pick at it for them. Have you ever had to do it? Not having clear skin can be frustrating and extremely inconvenient. One of the most common enemies of clear skin is acne. Acne results from hair follicles clogged…
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FitnessHealthHealth ConditionsLifestyle

Managing Work Stress: Importance of a Regular Medical Check-up

You wake up for work one day and realise the energy is gone, not even the love for your job or the big dreams seem like enough motivation to get off the bed. In place of the love and motivation are now body pains, fever, headaches, and a large dose of disinterest. This is what burnout looks like, and it doesn’t have to be your story. Learning to identify stress symptoms and taking quick steps…
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