FitnessLifestylePregnancyWomen's Health

10 Exercises To Avoid During Pregnancy

Most of the time, pregnancy can be challenging with regular feelings of various discomforts and back pain. Exercising during pregnancy is a way of beating down these discomforts. It helps the woman to stay healthy, improves her posture, and reduces some discomforts that come with being pregnant. However, some exercises are considered harmful if performed during pregnancy; hence, they should be…
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HealthLifestylePregnancySkin Care/ BeautyWomen's Health

Best Ways To Deal With Acne During Pregnancy

Acne during pregnancy is a skin eruption, probably caused by hormone changes. It is prevalent during pregnancy, as more than half of pregnant people are expected to develop acne. Though acne may be intense in some cases, it’s hard to determine who will develop the skin condition during pregnancy. The primary cause of acne in pregnancy is elevated levels of hormones in the first trimester.
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LifestyleMental and sexual healthMental HealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Hidden Truths About Postpartum Depression

The meaning of postpartum is the time after childbirth. Postpartum depression (also known as “baby blues”) is the feeling of emptiness or sadness within a few days of delivery. Your mind and body go through lots of changes during and after pregnancy. If you feel emotionless, sad, or empty most, or all of the time for a prolonged period (probably more than 2 weeks) during or after…
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Babies and KidsFertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Why Pregnant Women Shouldn't Drink Fizzy Drinks

Pregnant women and cravings are like gloves in hand, almost inseparable. Sometimes pouring a cold bottle of fizzy drink down your throat is just what you want to satisfy that craving. However, you might want to strongly consider staying away because the presence of carbon dioxide makes them dangerous to your health and your baby. This explains why they make that bubbling long ‘s’ sound…
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FertilityHealthPregnancyWomen's Health

Things To Do When Your Pregnancy Is Overdue

The beginning of a new pregnancy is exciting, and it is the same when approaching the end because you can’t stop counting down the days till you meet your little one. It can also get stressful once it’s time for the baby to come, and it doesn’t. This typically means that your baby has passed its due date. A typical pregnancy lasts between 39 to 41 weeks; if a baby is born past 40 weeks, it…
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Babies and KidsLifestyleNutritionParentingPregnancyWomen's Health

Managing Weight Gain During Pregnancy

One of the many concerns women have during pregnancy is weight gain. Thoughts like “oh I’m getting too fat, will I be able to push when the time comes?” clouds their minds. As valid as these concerns may seem, it is essential to remember that weight gain during pregnancy is normal. Whatever the case, a pregnant woman should avoid dieting or attempting to reduce weight during her…
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