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5 Ways People Contract STIs Without Having Sex

Think you know everything there is to know about avoiding STIs? Well, think again! STIs aren’t only caught through unprotected sex, so you may have to be a little more vigilant … The Infamous Barber Shop: Gents, we all know the satisfaction of that fresh haircut that perfect lines up our head. But did you know the razors, clippers, or scissors used there could be carriers for STIs?
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Health Facts


Table of ContentsOverviewSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical TreatmentsConclusion Overview Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Caused by a bacterial infection, most people unfortunately do not experience any symptoms. Chlamydia trachomatis affects both men and women and in all age groups but is more prevalent in sexually active teenagers and younger…
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HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

How To Lower Risk Of Spreading Hepatitis During Sex

You’ve just been diagnosed with hepatitis and think you can’t have sex anymore. You’re scared of having sex because you want to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. Yes, reducing the risk of spreading the disease during sex is a good idea, but that doesn’t mean you should stop having sex entirely. You can still have a fulfilling sex life without transferring it to…
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Common Symptoms Of STDs In Men And Women

Are you experiencing painful urination or swelling near the penis or vagina? Then you might be worried, and rightfully so because these are basic symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Men and women experience similar symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the body, even though most don’t appear with symptoms. Hence it is advisable to get checked regularly once a person is…
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How Often Should You Get Tested for STDs?

Getting tested for STDs can feel like an embarrassing experience for many, but it should not be. It is perfectly normal and a smart thing to do too. There are dozens of STDs in existence, and nothing is embarrassing about wanting to keep yourself safe from them. Sex is fun, and you should enjoy it to the fullest with your partner. But if it could get you in trouble, especially…
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Common STIs: Treatment and How to Avoid Them

Ever heard the saying that “Prevention is better than cure?” It is considered easier and wiser to avoid a problem completely than to spend time and resources fixing it. The same logic applies to your sexual health. Sexual health is a delicate matter, and as a sexually active person, you should protect yourself from the pitfalls of unprotected sex, including STIs. Itching, burning…
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HealthHealth ConditionsMen's HealthMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Complications of Untreated Gonorrhea

There are quite a several sexually transmitted infections with varying causes and symptoms. However, the tricky thing about gonorrhoea and some other S.T.I.s is that they may not cause any symptoms. A person can have gonorrhoea and feel completely fine, with nothing to suggest that something is wrong with their health. This is why every sexually active person needs to stay one step ahead by…
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Under The Sheets: Most Common STIs and How To Treat Them

Adventures under the sheets are part of nature’s gifts to be explored, but this can quickly expose you to several infections if much attention is not given to your sexual health. Sexually Transmitted Infections (S.T.I.s) are usually spread through unprotected sexual contact with an infected individual. However, it is essential to say that there are S.T.I.s that can be spread through…
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HealthLifestyleMental and sexual healthSexual Health

Tips For Practising Safe Sex

Jumping into bed and having unprotected sex with people whose sexual history you are unaware of only looks good in movies. In reality, it is a very risky business. Sex is great and meant to be enjoyed, but it is best done safely. It would not be nice to have to struggle with an infection after a fantastic roll in the sack, would it? This is why safe sex is necessary and should be insisted on, no…
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Questions You Should Ask Your Sexual Partners Today

Asking potential sexual partners questions about their sexual history may seem like an awkward conversation to have but it is a safe, smart thing to do. It might be tempting to ignore that process and dive right into bed, but you must put your health first before an orgasm. Knowing your partner’s history will help you decide how best to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections and…
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