DiabetesHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Debunking Diabetes Diet Myths

“Consuming too much sugar will give you diabetes”. One in ten people has probably heard this statement and believed it accurate. However, diabetes is not caused because you consume too much sugar. Instead, diabetes is a metabolic disorder caused by faulty insulin secretion or insulin action; insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas responsible for maintaining blood glucose…
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Health Facts

Type 2 Diabetes

Table of ContentsOverviewKey factsSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionConclusion Overview Type 2 diabetes is a defect in the way your body processes and uses sugar (glucose) It affects your body’s ability to make insulin, the hormone that helps glucose penetrate your cells to produce energy. With type 2 diabetes, your body renders the insulin ineffective or does…
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DiabetesHealthHealth ConditionsNews

Onions Reduce Sugar Levels In Type 2 Diabetic Patients - New Study Reveals

In a recent study presented at the Endocrine Society’s 97th Annual meeting, research findings indicate that onions may reduce blood sugar levels by 50% in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Anthony Ojieh, the study’s primary author from Delta State University in Abraka, Nigeria, noted that vegetables are a readily available, cheap, nutritious supplement that can be utilised to treat…
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DiabetesFitnessHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

How to Manage Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

A thousand questions will come up after a diabetes diagnosis; “How do I get through this?” “Can I live well with diabetes?” “Is it possible to stay healthy with diabetes?” “Will I die?” As troubling as the diagnosis is, there is no need to panic. Like many medical conditions, managing type 1 and type 2 diabetes is possible. It is, however important to distinguish between both types…
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