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5 Things To Do After Unprotected Sex

5 Things To Do After Unprotected Sex

Just had unprotected sex? You are probably thinking, “Oh my, what do I do next? I don’t want to get pregnant” at this point. Hold on. There is no need to freak out; after all, things happen and believe us when we say you are not the first person to experience this.

You can do a few things to be safe, regardless of whether the condom broke in half or you completely forgot to use protection.

Here are five things to do after having unprotected sex;

Use the bathroom

The first step should be to urinate and clean up. Doing so will put you at rest and help eliminate bacteria that could lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Check-in with yourself

Make sure you give yourself space to reflect on your feelings. It is common to have mixed feelings after having unprotected sex. Ensure you are alright and if you have to speak to someone about it then do so.

Consider plan B

Since you have already engaged in unprotected sex, think about switching to plan B (morning-after pills) to be safe. Within 72 hours of unprotected sex, morning-after drugs can help prevent pregnancy.

Get tested for STIs

Watch out for STI symptoms, and check yourself immediately if you start to experience signs of an STI. Although most STI symptoms are not immediately apparent, you should get tested three months following your initial test.

Take a pregnancy test.

Even after you have gone through all the previous steps, the only way to tell if you are pregnant is to get tested. See a doctor and get tested at least three weeks after having unprotected sex.

There is always a chance of getting pregnant and contracting STIs if you have unprotected intercourse. Hence, it is important to carry out these essential measures to check your status. You should see a doctor HERE if you suspect you have an STI.

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