PregnancyWomen's Health

10 Early Signs and Symptoms Of Pregnancy To Watch For 

10 Early Signs and Symptoms Of Pregnancy To Watch For 

If you’re trying to conceive or wondering if you might be pregnant, there are early signs to detect. These symptoms aren’t peculiar to every woman, but they are pretty standard.

Here’s are signs of pregnancy you should look out for;

Missed period

This is one of the most prominent early signs of pregnancy. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, this may likely be the first sign you will notice. Although pregnancy is not the only thing that can cause you to miss your period, however, if a week or more has passed since the time of your expected period, you may be pregnant. 


Soon after you conceive, the fertilized eggs attach to the wall of the uterus, and this may cause abdominal cramps, which are similar to the ones that come with your menstruation. 

Frequent urination

Once you become pregnant, the blood in your body will increase. When this happens, you will constantly feel a need to urinate.

Breast changes

Changes in the breast are another common sign of pregnancy. Your hormone level changes rapidly when you conceive. Because of this, your breast may become swollen, tender, heavy, or sore, and the area around the nipples may get darker.


Feeling extremely tired is a common sign in early pregnancy. This is caused by high levels of increase of the hormone called progesterone when you become pregnant, and at the same time, low blood sugar levels and low blood pressure can also contribute to feeling tired and sleepy.

Nausea and vomiting

Also known as morning sickness, it is prevalent, and it’s a regular sign. However, not every pregnant woman experiences it. Nausea and vomiting occur as a result of hormonal changes in your body. The effect can be so strong that even your favourite food turns your stomach. It happens any time of the day but morning is usually the most common time.

Food cravings and versions

Craving strange foods may be one of the well-known signs of pregnancy. Just like every other symptom, food craving is a result of changes in hormone levels that are experienced when you conceive. Also, the same hormone can make you dislike foods you’re used to. Food aversion can be so bad that even the thoughts or smells of your favourite food can cause vomiting.


During pregnancy, high hormone progesterone levels can make you experience constipation often. This is because the hormone slows down food movement through your digestive system.

Mood swings

Once you become pregnant, your hormone levels rise. This can affect your mood and make you more emotional.

Light bleeding or spotting

This is light bleeding that occurs in the vaginal about 10 to 14 days after you conceive. It can also come along with mild cramps and vaginal discharge. 

The sooner you know you’re pregnant, the sooner you can begin to take precautionary measures and care for yourself and your baby. If you suspect you are pregnant, make sure you see a doctor as soon as possible to have a healthy pregnancy.

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