
Why You Should Record Your Gym Sessions

Why You Should Record Your Gym Sessions

Taking time out to record your gym sessions may not be top on your mind when you get to the gym as most people just want to work through their sets and go home.

You probably even judge people who incessantly make videos, hogging the mirror space while at it.

However vain it might seem, recording your gym sessions is crucial to your training and gains.

Surprise? Recording your gym sessions helps you track your progress. It also enables you to create an action plan and work towards it.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of recording yourself at the gym.

Recording yourself keeps you motivated

This is because you see yourself clearly through the camera. You come face to face with the excess fat you want to burn, and honestly, it motivates you to keep working out till your body begins to transform. 

It helps you track your form and technique

Recording your sessions will help you know if you are observing the process rightly. Securing the desired benefit from a gym session is closely linked to how well you obey your instructor. Watching your recorded sessions and possibly showing them to your instructor will help correct whatever needs to be corrected.

It gives you the feeling of accomplishment

Deciding to undertake gym sessions for whatever reason requires a lot of diligence and consistency. Recording yourself also helps your ego. It reminds you that you can do anything you set your heart to do.

You might motivate someone

Recording yourself at the gym and sharing clips on your social media handle can expose you to several people and increase your network. This is because many people want to work out, but they don’t know how to. Watching your videos can encourage them to give it a try. It will also make them reach out to you for guidance and direction. This, in turn, can even make you a trainer.

It helps you enjoy the process

Very few things are as beautiful as making a video of yourself doing anything. It makes you look forward to another session. Significantly, it shifts your attention from the discomfort and stress that comes with exercising. So, go ahead and record yourself; you’d be grateful you did.

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