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Pregnancy Supplements: What’s Safe And What’s Not?

Pregnancy Supplements: What’s Safe And What’s Not?

Supplements are essential in the body. This is because they are extracted from food sources and provide the proper nutrients for the human body. While we agree that consuming the right quality of foods is important, we must also note that the peculiarities of pregnancy demand considerable nutrients for the woman and her baby.

Even though these offer amazing benefits, women must be wary of the supplements they use during pregnancy. This article presents micronutrients and safe herbal supplements and those that are not safe.

Safe Supplements During Pregnancy

Prenatal Vitamins:

These pregnancy supplements are recommended for women before conception, during pregnancy, and during breastfeeding. Reports suggest that these vitamins prevent preterm birth and preeclampsia. They must be prescribed by your doctor and can be gotten over the counter. Pregnant women must not excuse the use of prenatal vitamins for improper dieting.


Known as a B vitamin, folate reduces the risk of cleft palate and heart defects. This helps produce red blood cells, assists in DNA synthesis, and immensely contributes to fetal growth and development.


Iron is essential in a pregnant woman’s body because maternal blood volume increases by 45%. Iron supplements are important for the transport of oxygen and healthy growth and development of the baby and placenta.


Supplements derived from ginger root are very good for pregnant women. They effectively combat morning sickness and nausea, which is expected in the first trimester.

Fish Oil:

This supplement contains critical acids that help formulate the child’s brain. This is why it is healthy for pregnant women.

Other safe ones during pregnancy include Vitamin D, Magnesium, Probiotics, choline, etc.

Unsafe Pregnancy Supplements

Black Cohosh:

Research has shown that black cohosh causes liver damage in some people. Drafted from the buttercup family, black cohosh is a herb used to treat menstrual cramps. While it is great for menstrual cramps, it can cause uterine contractions and preterm labour, so pregnant women must avoid it.


This is another supplement that should not be used during pregnancy. Made from the bark of an African tree, this has largely been associated with heart attacks, high blood pressure, and seizures. The supplement could mar the development of the fetus.

Other supplements unsafe during pregnancy include Vitamin E, Goldenseal, Dong Quai, Wormwood, Tansi etc. Supplements are great, but not all supplements are safe for you and your baby. Hence the need to allow doctors to prescribe them for you. Contacting a doctor online has never been easier; click HERE.

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