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How is A Prostate Exam Done?

Reasons Why You Should Prioritise Your Mental Health This 2023

Hello, you! Are you ready to dive into the world of prostate exams? I know, I know, not the most exciting topic, but trust me, there’s more to it than just the infamous “finger up the butt” situation. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s get ready to learn how doctors go about checking out the prostate gland.

The basics: 

A prostate exam is a simple procedure in which a doctor checks the prostate gland for any abnormalities or signs of cancer. The exam can be done either through the rectum (digital rectal exam) or through the blood (prostate-specific antigen test).

The prep: 

Before the exam, the patient may need to refrain from eating or drinking for a certain period to ensure the bladder is empty. Some doctors may also recommend a bowel movement to make the exam easier.

The procedure: 

During a digital rectal exam, the doctor will ask the patient to lie on their side and bend their knees. They will then insert a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum and feel for any lumps or bumps in the prostate gland. It may feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t be painful. The whole exam takes only a few seconds.

The aftermath: 

After the exam, the patient may experience some minor discomfort or sensitivity in the rectal area. This should go away within a few hours.

The humor: 

Let’s face it, talking about butt stuff is awkward. But, as uncomfortable as it may be, it is important to prioritize our health. So, if you’re feeling nervous about a prostate exam, just remember that doctors do this all the time, and it’s nothing they haven’t seen before. Plus, it’s a great excuse to use the phrase “turn your head and cough” without feeling weird about it.

And there you have it, folks! A prostate exam may not be the most enjoyable experience, but it’s a necessary part of maintaining good health. So, if you’re due for one, don’t be afraid to schedule an appointment with your doctor. And who knows, maybe you’ll walk away with a funny story to tell at your next family gathering. Just make sure to keep it PG!

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